OMsignal shirt and sensor

OMsignal has started taking preorders for its compression shirt with integrated biometric sensors.  Taking a departure from the standard “strapped-across-your-chest” athletic heart rate monitor, these sensors are built directly into the shirt.  The shirt is able to monitor your heart rate and breathing and then transfer that information to a small power/data module that attaches to the shirt.  This module stores your vitals and if you are near your “i”-device they are also sent in realtime via bluetooth (Android support is planned, likely waiting for better Bluetooth LE integration).  

The app takes the raw data and coaches you on where your heart rate / breathing need to be to maximize either weight loss or increased fitness.  Obviously the sensors in the shirt are fully waterproof and laundry safe.  The data/power module is water-resistant to stand up rain and sweat, lasts for 30 workouts or 2-3 days of constant use on one charge, and can be transferred between shirts.  For the month of May, one shirt and the data module are available for $200 (versus $240).