Google Glass GG1 Hits FCC

Droid-Life has been culling through FCC filings and has found a recent item from Google with the FCC ID A4R-GG1. It seems likely that this filing is for the redesigned Google Glass. Besides the “GG1” possibly referring to Google Glass 1, there are a couple of other tidbits suggesting this is related to Google Glass. The device is listed as not being a phone or tablet but has a rechargeable battery and various forms of wireless communication. This could suggest a watch or some other product category, but the FCC listing also includes an image of the e-label as it appears on the device. The e-label seems to have the correct dimensions for the display on the Glass. Only time will tell if this is for a new Google Glass, but we know that Tony Fadell is hard at work on a new version of the wearable and it has to make its way out of Mountain View at some point.