Google Re-Examining Every Aspect Of Google Glass
In January of this year Google unexpectedly pulled Google Glass from its online marketplace and announced that Nest’s Tony Fadell was going to be overseeing the project moving forward. The move came as public sentiment towards Glass was reaching a low point; between the in-your-face design and privacy concerns, people and businesses became wary of the device. After the January announcement, it was assumed that the Glass project was on life-support. Tony Fadell came out of the shadows at this week’s Google Zeitgeist Conference to clear things up. According to Fadell, Google remains committed to Glass and continues to see it as an important platform. He is working with the Glass team to re-examine and reimagine every aspect of the product to make it consumer-ready, “We’ve decided to go and look at every detail, have no sacred cows and figure out the way forward.” It certainly seems like there is a challenging road ahead for Glass, but Fadell is one of the few people who might have the ability to turn it around. He has a track record of making technology accessible; he is considered the father of the iPod, had a large responsibility in shaping the iPhone, and co-founded Nest, makers of the wildly successful Nest Thermostat.
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