Personalized Makeup Tutorials With Google Glass
Watch out Michelle Phan, if YSL has their way, the next time you need a makeup tutorial you might be heading to the beauty counter instead of YouTube. With over 40% of women seeking makeup advice online and 50% of millennial beauty shoppers viewing beauty related YouTube videos (Michelle Phan has over 3.5B views), cosmetic companies are looking for new ways to drive personal engagement. YSL thinks they have found an answer with personalized makeup tutorials. Currently being tested at the company’s Bloomingdales, NYC and Selfridges, London counters, the makeup artist wears a pair of Google Glass and records the entire process of applying your makeup from their point-of-view. If all goes according to plan, YSL plans to roll out the service to more locations in the US and UK in 2015. Cosmopolitan UK tried it out and posted their tutorial video online, head past the break to see it.