

2015 Gift Guide Best Fashion Tech
Gift Guide

2015 Gift Guide: Fashion Tech

2015 Gift Guide Best Fashion Tech

Fashion tech promises to seamlessly integrate technology into clothing. It has the potential to allow garments to respond to the surrounding environment, to better express one’s style, and to be simpler and more ecological to manufacture; fashion technology feels like the exciting next frontier of clothing. But it is an uphill battle, both from a technology and perception standpoint. After years of hiding our phones away in our pockets, smartwatches are slowing introducing the public to the idea of wearing a piece of technology. The idea is still fairly foreign though and it is an uphill battle to overcome the ‘nerdy’ image people associate with any kind of wearable technology. Additionally, batteries and electronics need to reach milestones of miniaturization, durability, and longevity for the true potential of fashion and technology to be realized. That said, we have seen a lot of exciting ideas in fashion tech this year. Whether it is Rebecca Street’s LED dress or Chromat’s breathing sports bra, most of the current fashion tech concepts are still relegated to the runway…but not all of them. In this gift guide we take a look at some of our favorite fashion tech that you can own!  

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ShiftWear Classic Indiegogo custom e-paper sneaker

ShiftWear Sneakers Use E-Paper For Changeable Designs

ShiftWear Classic Indiegogo custom e-paper sneaker

Ever wish you could customize the look of your shoes whenever you wanted? ShiftWear’s Classic promises just that. The high tech sneakers feature a wrap around, flexible e-paper screen. Using a mobile app you can create and share static and animated designs and then load them onto your shoes. The concept is pretty exciting and reminds us a lot of the Sony FES Watch and Shift Sneakers. If customizing your kicks on the go sounds appealing, ShiftWear is currently offering the footwear through an Indiegogo campaign. The low-tops require a $150 pledge, the mid-tops $250, and the high-tops $350. ShiftWear believes they will have a shipping product in Fall of 2016.  

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