
Back To The Future Inspired Self-Drying Jacket Hits Kickstarter

Falyon Self Drying Jacket SDJ-01 Kickstarter

It seems like 2016 could be a very exciting year for Back To The Future 2 fans. Not only will we see self-lacing Nike Mags going on sale, but it appears that you will also be able to own a self-drying jacket. The SDJ-01 is the work of Falyon, a startup that has turned to Kickstarter to launch the jacket. The campaign has already surpassed its $12,000 goal, so if everything is legit, the SDJ-01 is going to become a reality. The idea is pretty simple; there are 2 “air amplifiers” that blow air into the jacket at a very high rate (similar to a hair dryer). The circulation of the air then causes the jacket to dry from the inside out. Each of the “air amplifiers” weighs about as much as an iPhone. They are powered by a small rechargeable battery that is good for 30 minutes of drying time. The forced air is vented from the jacket from 3 vents along the neckline and everything is controlled from a small power button near the front zipper. Falyon claims that it takes between 1 and 2 minutes to dry the jacket from rain or a small spill. A full on dousing in the pond in front of the town courthouse is likely to take substantially longer though. If you are looking for some utility out of the jacket, it also features internal smartphone and tablet pockets. The jacket is available in a variety of colors, including a familiar looking red/black style. The Back To The Future special edition version requires a pledge of $159 while any other color will set you back $149. Falyon expects the SDJ-01 to ship in April.

Besides being a fun thing to show off to your friends or add to your Halloween costume, we are not sure how practical the SDJ-01 is. After all, how many times have you thought, “I really need my jacket to be dry in the next 60 seconds!” But it is an intriguing concept. If everything works as promised and they continue to flesh out efficiency and miniaturization, Falyon might be best served to seek a licensing deal. Partnering with a large outdoor appear brand could make the tech more compelling to consumers. That said, we love that people are working relentlessly to bring fictional items to real life! We just hope that the SDJ-02 is also self-fitting!

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