Final: A Credit Card Aimed To Eliminate Number Theft
While Apple and Google are pushing contactless payment as the most secure method to make a credit card transaction, Final is preparing to introduce a more tangible solution. The company’s EMV (Chip and PIN) credit card creates a new number for every merchant where you use the card. For example, any time you go to a Home Depot the card uses one number but when you go to Bloomingdale’s it will use a different number. These numbers can be revoked by the user at any time and new numbers can be assigned. So if your card number is stolen from one merchant, you can easily kill just that number without messing up accounts you have with other merchants. All aspects of Final can be controlled and monitored from your smart phone including notifications of suspicious purchases. Final expects to launch a beta of the card early 2015.You can sign up for a chance to be part of the beta now on the company’s website. Head past the break for a video: