Dorothy Lets You Click Your Heels To Go Home, Via Taxi
Ever find yourself stuck someplace you didn’t want to be and wish you could click your heels together like Dorothy and just be home? Well, iStrategyLabs is working to make that a reality. The aptly named Dorothy project includes a wearable bluetooth device (Ruby) that you attach to one of your shoes. If you are having a bad date, stuck at an unbearable party, or walked into a bar you probably shouldn’t have, simply tap your heels together 3 times. You can set the action to ring your phone with a fake phone call, alert 3 of your friends to your location, and, soon, call an Uber taxi to get you out of there. iStrategyLabs says the device is capable of pretty much any “if this then that” action. Dorothy is still under development as iStrategyLabs works on reducing the size of the Ruby module. Video after the break: